Hello everyone
I will be posting a ebay auction for 1 blythe bunny hat with fur chin strap.
No, this is not ooak type of hat but the fur used is softer and different than those of my sheep hats. You can see from my flickr and previous work that I use these types of furs on my lati yellow animal hats. The reason I prefer not to use them for blythe is due to the limited quantities I have and blythe head is rather big and used up a lot in just one hat.
So if you are asking is this type of fur hat for blythe more rare? Yes it is. But if you are asking will this be ooak, then the answer is no. I just prefer not to use them as often because I do not have much left and the store only restock them during winter time. The material cost for these softer fur types is also higher/more expensive.
I will be listing a 1 day auction on Sept. 9th.
Here is the ebay auction link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261096175842?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
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