There will be a pre-announced etsy update for reindeer hats in blythe, middile blythe and latidoll yellow sizes. When purchasing your item, please make sure you are selecting the right size doll hat as I will not be canceling or refunding if mistakes are made. I apologize for the inconvenience.
*Rule for pre-announced etsy update (please follow): As usual, there will be a limitation of one person per item. Please follow this rule to save me from unnecessary etsy fees and cancelation orders. Thank you.
There will be a total of 2 ~ 3 blythe reindeer hats, 1 middie reindeer hat and 4 latidoll yellow reindeer hats. For photo reference, please check my flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pei78/
I will be making more reindeer hats throughout the month of November via random listing so if you missed out on this pre-announced update, there are still other chances to get one. I am only doing the pre-announced listing to help those who rather have a set time and date instead of waiting by the computer for the hat.
Shipping: Please keep in mind that all items are shipped via regular first class mail. This means there is no tracking. If you wish to add tracking, please contact me for additional fees after check out. I will not be held responsible for lost/stolen packages. Thank you for understanding.
Prices (prior to shipping fee):
Blythe reindeer hat - USD$60
Middie blythe reindeer hat - USD$50
Latidoll yellow reindeer hat - USD$40
Date and Time:
Nov. 14th, 2014 - 11:30am (PST - I am located in California, USA)
因為聖誕節即將來臨, 所以我準備了冬季款馴鹿動物帽給可愛的娃娃們戴, 希望各位會喜歡~
通常我的店鋪是採取隨機上架方式, 不過有時也會採取提前告知方式好方便給各位娃迷們時間準備而不用時時刻刻在電腦前守候.
這次提前告知上架的馴鹿帽共有分三種尺寸: 小布, 中布及 latidoll yellow 小娃. 小布共會有2~3頂, 中布一頂, latidoll yellow 四頂. 請仔細選購您要的娃尺寸, 若是買錯尺寸恕不退換. 不便之處請多見諒.
*注意事項: 每人只能限購一頂帽子.
若是這次無法搶購成功, 十一月底前我還是會陸續做馴鹿帽不過會是採取隨機上架方式就是了.
所有包裹都是用一般信件寄出, 並無包含追蹤號碼. 包裹一旦用普通信件寄出, 無法查明包裹下落也無法得知多久會收到. 這點還請各位娃媽娃爸切記. 掛號信或是快遞需額外補給多餘的郵費.
收款方式: Paypal
小布: USD$60
中布: USD$50
latidoll yellow 小娃: USD$40
11月14號 2014年 - 11:30am (美國加州時間)
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