
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Regarding trades....(temporary close)


   Since I have been asked a few times regarding trade items, I will make a short post and a list here to give those that are interested some idea of what I am looking for.  This is just a list of dolly items that I am interested in for my dolls to own and wear.  I undertand most of them (if not all) are desired designer dolly items which is why I am looking for them in the first place.

   I may add more to the list when I find some styles I like along the way.  Please do keep in mind that even if you do have the items I am looking for, I may not be able to take up on the trade immediately as I still have commissions and etsy shop update/pre-orders that I need to work on.

  Please provide reference you have from dolly forums or feedbacks, especially if I am not familiar with you.  Thank you.

For blythe:
-Moshi moshi
*tie shirts/dresses (found)
*rainbow smock dresses
*Lederhosen set (found)
-Mimsy animal hats
*animal with eye patches
*wendy dress (found)
*bow dress
*pink Edelweiss set (found)
-I have wings (found some)
*fancy lace dresses

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